Comments on: LOST 5×03 “JUGHEAD” — SPOILERS The website for Jason Collin featuring his photography and movie & TV show reviews Tue, 03 Feb 2009 18:03:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jason Collin Tue, 03 Feb 2009 18:03:47 +0000 I can’t say I noticed Desmond looking skinny.

Widmore could become the new badass character on the show, replacing Ben. But let’s not go replacing Ben just yet.

So many characters are not necessary anymore. Besides Jack and Kate being on the expendable list, I’d put Sun there as well.

By: Jason Collin Tue, 03 Feb 2009 18:01:51 +0000 Just had someone on Twitter @reply to me that he liked the ideas we wrote here and that his wife thinks Charlotte may be Faraday’s daughter. I think that would be an awesome twist and make the love declaration less hack.

By: jei Sun, 01 Feb 2009 13:08:06 +0000 Sawyer just needs something to do. He is trying to be a leader and he hasn’t figured it out yet. I think this is a great development for him–we get to watch it happen, just as we watched Jack crumble. I think by next season Jack will be back they will both be alpha dogs and they will kick ass together. It was interesting how Locke goes after “his people” and gives Sawyer the choice to go after Faraday who Sawyer clearly thinks of as someone he needs to take care of.

I liked:
-that young Widmore is a prick.
-that Lock figured out who he was
-Juliet looking good
-Desmond looking very cool at Oxford
-Desmond finding the link between Faraday and Widmore
unlike Mike, I liked that Desmond just walked into Widmore’s
office. Clearly Widmore cares about Penny–and he knows that Desmond is who she chose. It’s a human weakness–remember that Ben has promised to kill her.
-Locke to Richard: “Jacob sent me”

Didn’t like:
-The H bomb
-the confession of love
-actually, Charlotte–why the hell is she on the island anyway?
-Charlie being born already. Maybe they were like, “well, Penny is probably too old to have a kid 3 years later, so we better give her a 3-year old kid”

By: Michael John Grist Fri, 30 Jan 2009 08:40:44 +0000 Almost all the stuff with Desmond and Faraday was annoying for me. Desmond, I dunno. Perhaps it’s something to do with his build- in the early days he seemed like a big guy, strong- and now he just seems like a skinny pansy. Penny too. Why hasn’t she waltzed in to see her father and said- wtf is going on? I thought she was tough- obviously not. She is crying and being weak all the time Desmond is saying he has to save people. Again, wtf- you think he should leave them to die? In the end she rolls with it- but why even give him a hard time?

Spotted the Charlie’s and Charles.

Widmore- I like this guy. Maybe my new favourite character. He DOES stuff. Was gonna cut off Juliette’s hand just to show he’s serious. Broke that kid’s neck with barely a thought. He clearly really believes in what he’s doing, and to this day still does. Whether he’s right or wrong- that kind of passion draws me into the show.

Agreed on Jack and Kate- they’re all just a bunch of pansies now. None of them have any drive. Just bouncing around, living their lives. Not interesting. Jack was great in the first season. Pretty much everything since then has seen him descend into fuddled absence of drive.

Locke though is maybe coming into his own. “He’s one of my people”. FINALLY- having the upper hand on intel on someone- he knows more than the young Widmore- which is great. Knows more than even Richard in some areas. Leader, about time.

I could care less about the off-island people. All their constant urgency means nothing til I have a better idea what they’re all freaking out about. It’s like Jack Bauer always yelling- ‘we don’t have time!’ It gets old. Until I know what the threat is- it’s just a bunch of headless chickens running around.

Faraday needs to quit being so damn scatter-brained. Just SAY it! Whatever IT is. Sawyer- just checked on wikipedia- Frogurt isn’t even that guy’s name! I thought it was his name- so couldn’t see why you were upset at Sawyer. Hmm. Sawyer is just a big lug now. Too many people don’t know what’s going on, so they can’t DO anything. Not interesting to watch them fumble around- that’s what all of season 4 was!
