Comments on: LOST 5×04 The Little Prince — SPOILERS The website for Jason Collin featuring his photography and movie & TV show reviews Fri, 06 Feb 2009 14:37:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: jei Fri, 06 Feb 2009 14:37:09 +0000 We expect more from Lost. The lawyer plotline is just dumb. Hope Sun puts a cap in Ben’s ass, but you know he’s going to tell her that Jin is still alive.

By: Can. Mike Fri, 06 Feb 2009 02:31:20 +0000 I have to agree with Jason on this one. To me this was a fair waste of time, perhaps not in the bottom five, but pretty damn close.

Basically everyone wandering around without a clue as to what’s going on an no coherent story line at all. Pretty much every actor on the screen here is being both boring and annoying at the same time, not a good combination. Even my usual favourites Locke and Ben were a disappointment, neither of them manning up or advancing in character development. Sawyer has been relegated to the role of some annoying guy that shouts a lot, is never in control of himself, and adds absolutely nothing to the show. And don’t even get me started on Kate (who while still annoying, is at least looking pretty good these days) and Jack. Just pathetic both of them. How can a pusssy like Jack be the center of this show? And every time I see Erin/Aaron on screen I cringe. I still think this kid is mentally challenged or something, and doesn’t belong on this show.

This time travel thing is getting out of hand now. Who cares about going back 16 years ago to see Danielle when she was young? Her and her daughter both died without any dignity at all and now we’re revisiting her early years? And I knew Jin would be coming back because we didn’t actually see him die, but I wasn’t at all awed to see him again, just too cliche. Good makeup though to make him look like he’s sunburnt to hell and half dead.
Now of course we have to wait for Michael to come back as well. Yawn….

Come on Lost, you don’t have many eps here, we don’t need the filler.

By: MJG Fri, 06 Feb 2009 02:24:05 +0000 Ha, lot of good points. Sawyer hitting the one-note constantly pissed of but powerless thing- awful yes. Agree, need no more shots of Charlotte, or Aaron. Jack not telling Kate a single thing- wtf? Hasn’t she learned not to trust this dumbass? All of that stuff with JAck, Ben, etc.., couldn’t care less about it. So tired of Ben not just explaining things to people, or people blindly following him.

I liked the gimmick flashbacks and forwards. Sawyer and the birth scene, Locke and the white light- they’re powerful call-backs and mean something to me- in fact these are the only good things in the episode I think.

So sick of Faraday. He knows stuff, but he’s not saying. Dammit, just speak! Always been a frustration on LOST, but can’t they see they are on the same side, it would benefit them to tell each other stuff?

Ach, Jack lies to Kate, puts her in Ben’s hands, wtf? Hurley in jail, oh, what a terrible impediment. Who cares?

Jin’s death trivialized- hmm, I don’t think so, I never thought he was dead anyway. Nice to see the Frenchwoman pre-crazy. Guess we’ll find out how all her crew die.

Someone drank all the beer!!
