Comments on: LOST 6×01 & 6×02 “LA X” Parts 1 & 2 The website for Jason Collin featuring his photography and movie & TV show reviews Wed, 10 Feb 2010 05:28:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jason Collin Wed, 10 Feb 2010 03:11:12 +0000 There are still 16 more hours of LOST so things could still end up anywhere with that amount of time.

It’s about time to watch the 3rd episode now!

By: Scot Q Tue, 09 Feb 2010 05:48:15 +0000 Well… this episode had me teetering both ways between love and hate. A big part of me was disappointed because they laid the story arch out for us and it seems to clean cut which I will not appreciate if I am right. The other part of me was super excited and intrigued by the “it worked” scenario. Flashbacks have always been my favorite tool in the hands of the writers of Lost, so this has potential which will hopefully play out better than the flash forwards we witnessed last season.

Here is my sense of what is going on:

The island really was a place where everyone who’s life was super fracked up could start over… yet who wants to accept that? If given the keys to paradise knowing that you could never go back to what you left behind, and who you left behind, would you truly go? Ultimately the island is Jacob’s paradise. Somehow though I forgot about the guy I call Johnny Cash – the man in black. His struggle and disagreement with Jacob.

Here all of the answers are made clear. The smoke monster is Johnny Cash who now has control over John Locke’s body, who really is dead. I am gonna go out on a limb here, but if I had to guess, we are not getting Sayeed back, Jacob is going to take over his body just like the man in black is controlling Locke’s. Jacob died within the hour, the instructions were get Sayeed to the temple or we are all screwed, and wallah… instant body to reincarnate into.

So now Jacob/Sayeed struggle with The Man In Black/Locke over the final outcome. Will they escape Eden to head back to reality where it seems some of the people on the island are living a dual existence or will they stay and realize how wonderful paradise is. My other guess is that the people back in “real” life will start living their lives for good – e.g. Jack healing Locke or Sawyer and Kate finding each other and living out the life Sawyer and Juliet created on the Island.

Strangest moment from the plane… was it Hurley is the luckiest man alive or was it that the weird incestual brother dude was there without his sister who decided to work out her relationship in Australia?

I like the potential here and am looking forward to riding this out, a little sad this is the end, but feeling confident that they can pull off a killer season and end just at the right moment in time.

By: Can. Mike Sun, 07 Feb 2010 08:05:40 +0000 Thought ep. 1 was pretty slow and not much good to say about it, although still very watchable of course, this being LOST.
Basically the whole thing with Sawyer and Juliet was annoying, and barely watchable, and if she’s just going to die, why even bother finding her in the first place? I guess so she can utter her ‘it worked’ line, and I’m supposing that if a character is about to die they can maybe ‘see’ the other time line they’re in, and move there, or something like that. Really didn’t like to see Sawyer in his ‘rage’ mode again, I like him much more when he’s calm and in control.

Jack, who has manned down severely in past seasons, and who was starting to man up again at the end of season 5, is once again on the bottom, looking like a failure in everyone else’s eyes.

Very interesting to see how their lives wouldve unfolded had they all survived, and the dialogue with Jack and Locke in ep. 2 was especially interesting.

Actually ep. 2 more than made up for things, with Locke staying firmly on top as the most interesting character, even though he’s not really Locke anymore. Loved the scene with him becoming the smoke monster and killing those new Jacob protecting fools who just annoyed me in season 5. Only that chubby lady is left now, and I’m wondering why she didn’t take a shot at Locke when she had a gun pointed right at him? Did she know right away that bullets wouldn’t stop him?

Was a bit put out to see Hiroyuki Sanada and the guy from Deadwood suddenly appearing in the show, and amused that I could understand all his Japanese without any translation either, how many people watching Lost can claim that? Well us guys in Japan of course. Don’t like his comment about him not liking the way English sounds on his tongue, and I’m wondering how long he’ll be around in the show. The ‘translate every word he says’ bit will get tired pretty quickly I think.

Of course Sayid came back to life, like Jason said, was not a surprise at all. They’re obviously not going to kill off anymore of the original characters at this point.

Damn Kate, still escaping and annoying me. Glad that on the island she has learned a bit of control though.

How did that stewardess get to be part of the ‘in’ group so quickly I wonder?

By: Jei Sat, 06 Feb 2010 05:52:34 +0000 The Japanese actor was Hiroyuki Sanada and he’s a big deal over here. You’d recognize him from The Last Samurai as the swordsman who gave Tom Cruise a hard time. Accodrding to Juri he’s a badass former stuntman who can do crazy flips and fight scenes as a samurai/yakuza.
