Comments on: LOST 6×03 “What Kate Does” The website for Jason Collin featuring his photography and movie & TV show reviews Thu, 11 Feb 2010 03:31:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jason Collin Thu, 11 Feb 2010 03:31:09 +0000 Right, there shouldn’t be any filler episodes, ever. That was the whole point of picking a firm end date for the show so they could stop with the filler eps in seasons 2 and 3.

I didn’t catch Sawyer saying “which time” even though I rewound the DVR at least twice to try and catch it, should have turned on the caption. So that scene does sound cool now.

The only thing better about Kate now is her hair. They are really putting some good shampoo in it or something as it has never looked shinier, thicker, or more like she just stepped out of a salon yet is actually on some crazy jungle island sweating all the time.

By: MJG Thu, 11 Feb 2010 02:21:23 +0000 Went into this episode really hoping Kate would get captured and locked up. Good end to her story. So as she continued to escape, for some unfathomable reason terrorizing the pregnant girl and forcing her to stay in the cab, I was yelling at the screen, wishing someone would man up and knock her the hell out.

Everything about KAte in this episode was annoying, All of her most annoying traits. Follow Sawyer- wtf! He`s just lost his girlfriend because you insisted on coming back- he deosn`t want to be consoled by you. Abandoned Jin to do his own thing, jesus. Abandon Jack (after telling him previously she had his back) to go gallivanting off with more Others.

She just needs to shut up and sit down like Miles and Hurley are doing. Everything she does is aggravating.

That said- I liked the way Sawyer reacted to her. “I shouldn`t have folowed you.” “Which time?” “I`m sorry”, “You already said that.”

Damn straight James, call her out. Like how he tells her to go back. Like how he blames himself. Like how he thinks he ought to live alone, in the ruins of their house together. Responsible and understandable. Doesn`t want to hurt anybody else, and wants to e punished. I get it.

Jack and Dogen- annoying. These guys coming saying- “hey we need to talk to you alone, wink wink, that means we`ll force you to come,” that`s annoying. Glad JAck took the damn pill himself. Annoying Faraday-style -“I can`t possibly explain what`s i the pill, it`s too complicated.” Nice job Jack, consummate poker player.

It`s not Jacob that has claimed him. Perhaps it is Radzinsky, or Phil. Perhaps Claire was claimed by Rousseau, who has been wandering the island like a real doofus setting traps for God knows how long.

The Sickness, I think that has been explained as never being a sickness. It was the black smoke. Didn`t we directly see that when Montan got sucked into the declivity under the temple wall? Rousseau called it a sickness cos she didn`t know what else to call it. But in reality it was just the smoke monster. We know cos Montan`s skeleton was found in the tunnels.

Though it is interesting, when Rousseau shoots the dude on the beach, her ex-crew, in flashback with Jin, he dies, unlikethe smke monster in the foot where he turns into smoke and kills everybody.

Still, not the same thing Saieed has, I`ll wager. Why would they be allowed into the Tempe, healed, then banished back to the beach to die? Nonsensical.

Oh, and I don`t think Richard was ever in real chains. Metaphysical hains. Somehow he was in bondage to Jacob, and not-Locke freed him by kiling Jacob.

Place-holder episode. Only moment worth rewatching, Sawyer talkign to Kate on the pier.

By: Can. Mike Thu, 11 Feb 2010 01:11:46 +0000 Ahh the sickness. Makes sense I suppose, but it also bothers me that they’re bringing that back now, when nobody else ever got infected before…
It would definitely be interesting to finally discover how and why Rouseau’s crew got infected and she didn’t. They never did explain that.

By: Jason Collin Wed, 10 Feb 2010 20:49:29 +0000 Yeah, was pretty surprised Kate just left Jin there. What does Kate need Sawyer for to find Claire anyway? Like Sawyer would give a damn to find Claire.

It seems the monster inside, or the infection, is actually the “sickness” that Rousseau warned about way back in season #1 and that which killed her crew. So if so, that would be a good way to bring back something that was really important in the first season but just totally was forgotten about (hello, Walt??!).

This blog post about LOST was a good read, and pointed out the sickness connection (not my idea) and that Dogan tortured Sayid just like Rousseau did to Sayid to test him in season 1.

The whole pill thing was just silly, just shove it down Sayid’s throat if you want it done, don’t make some lame writing loophole that if Sayid doesn’t take it willingly it won’t work. Someone’s will can make the poison inert? Come on!

I feel the only character I really want to know about now is Richard, and him being in chains. He is the only one we really do not know anything about still.

And Sayid failing the test? So if he didn’t scream that means he would have passed?

I’d say that Hurley is the one sacred cow on the show, anyone else could be killed, or rather should be killed?

The problem with getting Hurley more screen time is that he’s not mobile, so can’t easily tag along on Kate’s recon mission, can’t escape himself, can only hangout and maybe drive a bit.
