Comments on: LOST 6×06 “Sundown” The website for Jason Collin featuring his photography and movie & TV show reviews Tue, 09 Mar 2010 21:14:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jason Collin Tue, 09 Mar 2010 21:14:10 +0000 Yeah, with you on not being sure exactly who the GOOD or BAD people are. I mean, Flocke does kill, so there is that. Then again, Jacob has not revealed much about himself. We only have that one conversation on the beach between Jacob and pre-Flocke dude to judge them by, other than the damn cryptic non-answers Jacob and Flocke have given this entire season!

LOST, you chose to end the show on a schedule to not run out of story, have filler, etc, I want to be WOWED every episode here on out, there are enough major questions that need to be answered still. Far too many for a 2-hour series finale. Wow me fools! If you can.

By: Can. Mike Sat, 06 Mar 2010 13:23:54 +0000 Yeah I’m still not COMPLETELY convinced of the good/evil equation here. Jacob surely isn’t a saint, and while Flocke is obviously not the good guy, is he really that much more evil that Jacob? What evil has Flocke (which sounds stupid) really done except clean up house a bit? Killed a few guys who we really know nothing about except that they were keeping the regulars prisoner? Guess we’ll have to wait and see.

Great Sayid episode, like Jason said, always an interesting and intriguing character. Doubly great to see him kicking ass, especially that Keemy guy, damn, can’t stand him and his huge ass teeth.

That creepy smile that Sayid gave Ben at the end of the ep…. wow, Ben was smart to take off like he did. I did feel kind of bad for Dogen though, his final story moved me a bit, and highlighted the fact that Jacob isn’t as pristine as we’re all thinking.
I wonder though if Sayid would’ve managed to kill Flocke if he actually stabbed him before he said ‘hello Sayid’. Dogen did say to kill him before he uttered anything at all.

Good to see John Lennon go down like the fool he is.

Kate was annoying as ever, and she has never looked more like a man as she did in this ep. Is she really going to join Flocke’s flock though? Somehow I doubt it.
And I doubt either Jin or Sawyer are really ‘evil’ now either as Sayid and Claire are the only ones currently infected.

The ‘rescue party’ of Sun, Ben, et al. was just too much of a cliche for me, didn’t like it, although I do like the fact (like everyone else) that Miles is still around, even though he is doing absolutely nothing (ie. playing solitare)

Finally, Jin in the meatlocker… just didnt work for me. However it seems to me that the pattern they’re working towards is that all the ‘main’ characters are being drawn closer and closer together in the ‘alternate’ world, obviously for some future purpose.

I liked this ep. but like Jason, not quite sure if it is worthy enough for a 4 star rating. Will give it a 3 again. Nothing has been above 3 for me so far this season.

By: Jei Wed, 03 Mar 2010 15:51:29 +0000 Jin was not with Flocke.

I thought the same thing about sides forming up but I think it will be a little more complicated with some more switching back and forth. Ben and Jack still need to pick sides, and there are still wild cards like Richard and Christian out there.

Still there should be some sort of balance so…
Team Flocke: Sayid, Sawyer, Claire, Kate, Jin, Ben
Team Jake: Hurley, Jack, Lepidus, Ilyana, Sun, Miles

Jin and Sun cancel and leave, Claire kills Ilyana but then goes with Sun who knows her baby, Hurley and Miles send all the people Sayid has killed after him, Ben takes out Lepidus, Hurley and Miles but goes down himself. Locke overpowers Flocke like Vader. Final 3 are Jack, Sawyer and Kate.

By: Jason Collin Wed, 03 Mar 2010 15:47:17 +0000 I’m not exactly sure we can call Flocke evil yet. It just appears that Jacob was good and nurturing. But what if Jacob was keeping Richard in chains and Flocke in a kind of prison also (keeping him on the island)? But yeah, it does appear Jacob is on the good side. Ben long ago told the fab-5 when asked who they were, “we’re the good guys.”

Down to just a dozen hours for LOST to wrap things up.

Lots of LOST questions and answers here actually, going though it now, list questions that still need answers by show’s end:
