Comments on: LOST 6×12 “Everybody Loves Hugo” The website for Jason Collin featuring his photography and movie & TV show reviews Thu, 15 Apr 2010 20:16:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jason Collin Thu, 15 Apr 2010 20:16:03 +0000 Pete that’s a good point, there is not stress or explanation on the significance or importance of being a candidate, and what it means for the person that is a candidate.

The writers will have to pull off a major recovery job to give LOST any kind of remotely satisfying conclusion I think.

I still stand by the point that at the end of season 4, as soon as any character got off the island, the show was over to me, the main drive of the series up until that point, had been satisfied, they got off the island. None of the characters other than Locke cared at all about the island, they just wanted to get off it, so turning the show into being all about the mystery of the island when characters have already gotten off and returned, lessoned me caring about the mystery part and just blurred the point of what the show was for the characters.

By: Pete Campbell Thu, 15 Apr 2010 18:45:55 +0000 I completely agree, I think was a really poorly written episode. Although was nice to be given answers that connect the dots, they were handed out as if they didn’t mean nothing at all.

If that’s all the whispers are, why didn’t they just explain them far earlier? It was pointless anticipation.
I think major problem with this season is that instead of writing, concrete, fundamental reasons in why each character should ‘care’ that they are candidates, a lot of them are just wandering around and doing what they’re told based on pure blind faith.

Why can’t the monster leave the island? Oh that’s right ‘because he can’t’
Why is Hurley going to see the monster? ‘because he’s meant too’

The only real answer this show has ever given, it that things are a certain way, just because they are.

It’s just poor writing, I don’t go and work for a living ‘because i meant to’ – it’s because I’m a human being with desires and emotions, and these characters use to be too.

Disappointing, I really love this show but I am truly beginning to lose faith in it.

By: Jason Collin Thu, 15 Apr 2010 01:07:44 +0000 Great call with Desmond’s line of “go with your gut,” I did not realize it at the time, but in retrospect it’s a classic!

Everything so damn predictable is true. No Libby grave scene, a bit more surprise seeing her in the restaurant. The only reason Michael was a surprise is because he appeared before the opening credits and didn’t see his name.

Yes, I remember someone saying it is not purgatory also. Pretty lame explanation for the awesome whispers throughout the show.

By: Jason Collin Thu, 15 Apr 2010 01:01:52 +0000 Yeah, Richard should have said I’ll carry the dynamite since I already tried once to kill myself with it and it wouldn’t work. Silly. Who plops down a bag filled with anything like she did, never mind 200 year old TNT??

Black Rock definitely got played out.

Let’s damn hope the show has reached the home stretch by next ep.
