Comments on: 24 Series Finale 8×23 & 8×24 The website for Jason Collin featuring his photography and movie & TV show reviews Wed, 26 May 2010 08:19:59 +0000 hourly 1 By: MJG Wed, 26 May 2010 08:19:59 +0000 Jack definitely went out in style. He was the conscience of the President, and by extension of the country, and through his outright heroism, selflessness, and by the example he set, managed to change the course of global events by bringing people wavering on the edge of morality back into the fold.

He was there for us after 9/11, to help us understand what that meant, and to help us understand what the reaction to it would look like.

Of course he’s just a character made up by writers, but Kiefer Sutherland imbued him with realness. Some of the times when he suffered, it seemed inconsequential. He could always shrug off numerous injuries. But in this finale, the emotional wounds felt real. He lost Renee, his last shot at a happy and normal life. He lost any chance to see his daughter and grand daughter again. He lost it, and I felt it. To see the President apologize to him, to see her anguish knowing the pain she’d caused him, that was so meaningful.

It’s a shame it’s over, but like with LOST, it’s good that it is. I feel this season was the strongest since season 2, season 2 being the last time I can even remember what the topic of the season was about. Good things have to end, or face tailing off into nothing. My feelings about 24 had been in that state for years. I’m glad they came back from that for a powerful finale.
